
Important Change Notification Memo – HEK 293 HCP ELISA Kit, 3G Refill 1

The expression of viral vectors in HEK 293 cells is a widely used method to obtain sufficient quantities of the desired virus. The manufacturing and purification process of these products leaves the possibility of impurities by host cell proteins (HCP) from HEK 293 cells. Impurities of HCP can cause adverse toxic or immunological reactions and therefore it is desirable to reduce these impurities to the lowest practical levels.

The polyclonal antibodies used in this kit were generated and affinity purified using a mild HEK 293 cell lysate to obtain HCPs that are typically found in the early steps of product recovery. This kit can be used as a process development tool to control optimal removal of impurities from host cells, as well as in routine end-product release testing when thoroughly characterized using samples from your process.

Product Information

Product Type: ELISA Kit

Storage: Standards -10°C to -30°C upon receipt, All other kit reagents 2°C to 8°C

Target Expression System: HEK 293

Species group: mammal

Species: Human

Assay format: 96-well plate

Time to result: ~2 hrs. 20 minutes

LOD: ~0.35ng/mL

LLOQ: ~2.0ng/mL

Recommended thinner: I700

The new Resupply 1 antibodies were newly generated for an ELISA format to match the current performance of the F650S kit as closely as possible. Like the anti-HEK 293 HCP antibodies used in the current F650S kit, the new antibodies have ~90% broad coverage against HEK 293 HCP as determined by antibody affinity extraction with 2D PAGE/Silver Stain and LC-MS.

HEK 293 HCP ELISA kit, 3G, refill 1, cat. No. F650S will replace the current HEK 293 HCP ELISA Kit, 3G, Cat. No F650S. Kits containing the new replenishment antibodies will maintain the same catalogue number, F650S, and will be identified by lot numbers beginning with the character “R1.” Both kits follow the same assay protocol and have a LOQ of 1 ng/mL. Use Sample Diluent, Cat. No. I700, with these kits.

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