Pichia pastoris HCP ELISA Kit, 2G

Description Our original Pichia pastoris HCP ELISA kit (F140) 2G has a broad reactivity to peptide epitopes and a small population of antibodies that recognize Pichia glycosylation epitopes. In cases where the recombinant protein product is also glycosylated, there is the potential for some cross-reactivity which may result in overestimation of true HCP or indeterminate […]


Surface Topography of Polyethylene Glycol Shell Nanoparticles Formed from Bottlebrush Block Copolymers Controls Interactions with Proteins and Cells

Though poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is usually utilized in nanoparticle design, the influence of floor topography on nanoparticle efficiency in biomedical purposes has obtained little consideration, regardless of exhibiting vital promise within the examine of inorganic nanoparticles. Management of the floor topography of polymeric nanoparticles is a formidable problem because of the restricted conformational management of […]

FD Apop Kit

The FD Apop ™ kit is designed for the microscopic detection of cells undergoing apoptosis according to the principle of the in situ DNA notch end labeling (TUNEL) technique ¹. The assay uses terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase to catalyze the incorporation of biotinylated deoxyuridines at the free 3′-hydroxyl terminals of DNA fragments, which are considered one […]